Shamanic Journey Workshop
Wed, May 06
Shamanic journeying is a tool for spiritual growth. It is also used for healing and obtaining information. This workshop will open up your intuition and connect you to the other side. You will learn how to meditate to the hypnotic beat of the drum the way indigenous people have done for centuries

Time & Location
May 06, 2020, 7:50 PM – 9:30 PM
About The Event
Shamanic Journey Workshop - Meditate to find answers and peace
Facilitated by Anna Raimondi
When: Two Wednesdays - May 6 and May 13
Where: Zoom Time: 7:50 pm ET - 9:30 pm ET
Fee: $70
Pay via PayPal to tranquilspiritct@aol.com
or Venmo to TranquilSpirit Raimondi
Shamanic journeying is a tool for spiritual growth. It is also used for healing and obtaining information. This workshop will open up your intuition and connect you to the other side. You will learn how to meditate to the hypnotic beat of the drum the way indigenous people have done for centuries.
The Shamanic Journey is a way of finding answers, information, healing, wisdom and knowledge as well as guidance or help with one's personal life. During the Journey, spirits are met who may be regarded as ancestors, elders, spirit guides, power animals and angels. These beings are seen as beings with great wisdom, power and the ones who are willing to help with guiding the living.
The journey occurs by shifting awareness or consciousness in order to allow part of your soul to leave the body. The slow repetitive rhythm of the drum shifts the individual's "rhythm" so that he or she can go into a meditative state. The rhythm of the drum puts you in the right state to journey. The drum beat used is very close to the frequency that is measured from the earth, and has proved effective for the majority of people.
I hope you will join me.