Dear Friends,
As the summer breathes its last sigh, we transition to the cooler weather and Autumn. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, 'The only constant is change.' Boy, was he right!
As Autumn is around the corner, we are reminded that our bodies, minds, and spirits are always developing and evolving. We may begin to sense the impermanence of life as the leaves begin to fall from the trees over the next two months. We may feel the importance of embracing the present. By doing so, we can savor what we have before it is gone. This transition from one season to the next is also a time of healing and letting go of what no longer serves us.
One of the only constants throughout the year and in our lives, is the presence of our loved ones in spirit around us as they continue to help us and lead us on our paths. As John Liquori says in the message below "I knew in my heart and through Anna, that John was pushing me to do something that would help me with my healing and to find my passion and joy." John acted on the feeling and information that his brother brought to him through me and he is in a better place because of it. He knows John is around him.
I hope that you never lose the feeling of love from your loved ones and friends on the other side.
Much love,
Inspiration from Heaven

In 2014 my twenty-year old brother John was taken from our family and friends. He was hit by a car driven by a drunk driver as he was jogging less than a half-mile from our home. That one moment in time changed my life and best friend Vinny's life forever. As we grieved and allowed healing into our hearts, we began to look at our own lives and the paths that we were taking as we now understood how quickly life can be taken away.
I had a reading with Anna soon after John's passing and several readings since that time. She allowed me to listen to my brother speak to me through her and to permit him to lead me on my life journey. I was lost. I missed my brother and was wandering through life. Thankfully, through Anna's connection to John, I feel like I have found my way. In one of our readings, Anna told me that she was hearing that I would be happy working with crystals. Although I didn't previously have a plan in mind concerning this, I went home and began setting plans in motion.
I knew in my heart and through Anna, that John was pushing me to do something that would help me with my healing and to find my passion and joy. In life, John was truly a remarkable person who inspired others around him to be the highest versions of themselves. He continues to do the same today as he is still my mentor. Just before John was taken from us, he started to use crystals to deepen his meditation. I remembered this when Vinny and I were led randomly to a local crystal shop. In this shop, we were drawn to different crystals and each had our own profound and life-changing experiences. We know John led us there.
And our healing began ...
Vinny has dealt with anxiety his entire life and was longing for a way to help suppress his constant negative thoughts. He was immediately drawn towards labradorite and its powerful transformative properties. After wrapping the stone and wearing it daily, he found cooling energy overwhelm his aura, which made his thoughts more manageable throughout the day.
I was looking for a way to connect with my brother again and reactivate my heart once more. I was attracted to moldavite, a powerful stone created from a meteorite's impact. It helped me to not only connect with John but to flush out the negative painful energy within me that I could not seem to shake. When meditating with this stone, I experienced what is known as the "Moldavite Flush", which brings about a strong emotional release and assists in opening one's heart chakra. These two profound experiences solidified our belief in the healing properties of crystals and helped us to open up to the energy of our souls as we continue to heal.
Once we started, we could not stop educating ourselves on each crystal and how they have impacted our society and countless civilizations before us. For instance, malachite, a known protection stone, has been mined as early as 4000 B.C. in ancient Egypt by the Suez and Sinai. The earliest version of the Bible was written in Malachite pigment. In ancient Rome, Malachite was adorned on a child's cradle to protect them from negative energy. Scientifically, the 1996 Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded for finding Fullerenes in the stone Shungite. These Fullerenes contain naturally occurring antioxidants and are a potential therapeutic agent. We truly believe that crystals were put on this Earth to heal every soul in this world. With so much information spread out across multiple channels, including ancient books and texts, we educated ourselves so that we could in turn educate other people.
Since we are continually being healed, we are opening up more to our souls and the spiritual realm. Because of this we decided to help other people as well. We decided to call our business "The Crystal Council." Our goal is to give people an easy channel to learn about stones and acquire crystals so that they too can find peace, love, and passion in life, and to connect spiritually to the universe and their own souls. We want to help people heal and open up to the beauty of the world.
We were inspired to craft personalized boxes to help people. People inform us of their current intentions and spiritual needs via a survey. We curate each box specifically for each individual as we meditate and tap into their energetic fields. We search through our entire crystal inventory to find the exact stones with the right energies that will best suit their needs. The crafting process is an enlightening and empowering experience for us as well as the person for whom we are making the box.
We credit John 100% for pushing us to start this business and leading us down our spiritual paths. Without John, The Crystal Council would not exist. We believe it is our duty and our privilege to impact other lives, just as John impacted ours. To this day, we still look to him for guidance and we put a little bit of his energy inside each and every box that we craft. We know that he is with us every step of the way.
John Liquori
The Crystal Counsel
What's Going On?
(please check annaraimondi.com, as we update often)
Soul Blessing Wraps

I am so excited to introduce Soul Blessing Wraps. In creating Soul Blessing Wraps, I meditate specifically on the soul of the future owner. I also pray that the wrap will open up and connect the person to the divine energy of their soul. I choose colors that are channeled
to me during the meditation and then hand paint each silk wrap individually, as the pure colorful energy radiates around me. Each wrap is exclusive and as unique as the soul of the person who choses it. These beautiful wraps are made of 100% silk and are handmade in Wilton, CT. They are designed and crafted with love and care, exclusively for you or someone you love.
Go to https://www.annaraimondi.com/soul-blessing-wraps for more information.
Also check out my new page on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Anna-Raimondis-Blessings-Boutique-2336256659949865/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Wall Street Theater, Norwalk CT
December 5, 2019

I am excited to be conducting a group reading at the Wall Street Theater in Norwalk, CT on December 5. This will be an extraordinary night, kicking off the beginning of the holiday season. It has been said that the veil between heaven and us is the thinnest during the holiday season. Join me as heaven comes through to help you feel their love at such a joyous time of the year.
For tickets, please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/messages-from-heaven-an-evening-with-anna-raimondi-tickets-65724426529?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete

 Please "like" my page Anna L. Raimondi on Facebook.  It is important that I have a social media presence for all the things I would like to do in 2016.  Appointments can be booked from that page by clicking the scheduling button on the left side of the page.  I am counting on you!!!
As a reminder, I have a cancellation page on Facebook called "Anna Raimondi - Cancellations."  Please sign up for that page if you would like an appointment sooner than your scheduled reading. Â